Tomasz Zwijacz-Kozica Activity level is important information about an animal’s biology and ecology. In the case ofbrown bears, knowing the activity pattern also allows to take appropriate measures to preventconflicts with humans. However,…

Aurora Donatelli, Dusko Cirovic, Mark Haroldson, Djuro Huber, Jonas Kindberg, IlpoKojola, Josip Kusak, Gianluca Mastrantonio, Andres Ordiz, Slaven Reljic, Luca Santini, Frank T.van Manen, Paolo Ciucci The scope of our study was to evaluate…

Brogan Holcombe, J. Bernardo Mesa-Cruz, Marcella J. Kelly Hibernation behavior is understudied in American black bears (Ursus americanus), with mostknowledge stemming from post-hibernation emergence studies. Temperature and photoperiodhave been identified as potential drivers…

Jeanne Clermont, Andreas Zedrosser, Ludovick Brown, Frank Rosell, Gunn ElisabethSydtveit Rekvik, Jonas Kindberg, Fanie Pelletier Predation may indirectly influence prey’s fitness and population dynamics through behaviouraladjustments in response to perceived predation risk. These…

Mihai Fedorca, Ancuta Fedorca, Georgeta Ionescu, Ovidiu Ionescu Dracea, RamonJurj Roadkill and habitat loss are two of the main threats to biodiversity, and both people andwildlife could be injured, and many times, both…

Slaven Reljic, Goran Guzvica, Lidija Sver, Gaja Hana Francky, Laura Schulte, RatkoPopovic, Djuro Huber If you see a bear family with newborn cubs, the typical question is: How far away is their den?The…

Ole Gunnar Støen, Peter Andersson, Peter Segerström, Jonas Kindberg The brown bear population in Scandinavia has tripled over the last three decades. However,due to hunting, bears remain classified as near-threatened (NT) in Sweden…

Lori Roberts, Cecily M. Costello, Milan A. Vinks, Daniel D. Bjornlie, Matthew D.Cameron, Justin G. Clapp, Mark A. Haroldson, Grant V. Hilderbrand, Kyle Joly, Wayne Kasworm,Jeremy Nicholson, Tom Radandt, Mathew S. Sorum, Justin…

Erik Peterson, John S. Waller, Don White Jr., James R. Pierce, Daniel H. Thornton Migratory army cutworm moths (Euxoa auxiliaris; ACM) are one of the most calorie-rich foodresources for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos…

Naoki Ohnishi, Kahoko Tochigi, Tomoko Naganuma, Shinsuke Koike, Koji Yamazaki,Takeshi Osawa It is commonly believed that about 95% of mammal species exhibit male-biased dispersal andfemales’ philopatry, but few species have been studied to…

Rick Heeres, Martin Leclerc, Shane Frank, Fanie Pelletier, Andreas Zedrosser The social system of a species describes the pattern of relationships between and amongindividuals and social groups, and how these individuals and social…

Emily Davis, Daniel Bjornlie, Ryan Kindermann, Daniel Thompson, Joseph Holbrook Tradeoffs between risk and reward aid in understanding and predicting behavioral responseswithin predator-prey systems. Prey species must balance the risk of predation while…