Fakhar-i-Abbas Some cultural practices, such as dancing bears in India and bear-baiting in Pakistan, typicallyusing wild-caught bears, have contributed to population declines. Successful conservationprograms have focused on eliminating the acceptability of these practices,…
Mei-Hsiu Hwang, He-Jie Shu, Fan-Yi Chan, Chin-Hao Chang, Chia-Chi Wang Spatial distribution is a key element in assessing the status of wild populations of threatenedspecies, and can be used to identify priority conservation…
Chengcheng Zhang, William McShea, David Garshelis, Dana Morin, Nina Santostasi Mapping geographic ranges is an essential step in assessing species’ status and threats. The firstmodern range maps for Asian bears were published by…
Muhammad Naeem Awan Improving the management effectiveness of protected areas is essential for the successfulprotection of species, necessitating a focus on refining management practices. The Asiatic blackbear is one such globally significant species…
Matt Hunt, Brian Crudge, Caroline Lees Sun bears face significant threats from hunting and habitat loss, leading to declines in wildpopulations across their range. Populations are predicted to continue to decline unless thethreats…
Zsuzsa Petró, Amelia Griep, Eliza Bányácskai, Lydia Költer Zoos have millions of visitors annually. They can reach a broad audience and communicateaccurate and powerful messages to the public, which may influence people’s understanding…
Nishith Dharaiya and Marcel Alaze Human–wildlife conflict is an international issue that involves a host of wildlife species acrossmost regions of the world. Conflicts may lead to property damage, livestock casualties, andhuman injuries,…
Djuro Huber, Aleksandra Majić-Skrbinšek, Jon Swenson, Linas Balčiauskas, TomaszZwijacz-Kozica, Gerard Baars, Klemen Jerina, Duško Ćirović, Michael Schneider, Ovidiu Ionescu,John Linnell, Alexandros A. Karamanlidis, Michal Haring, Aleksandar Stojanov, Diana Zlatanova,Maryna Shkvyria, Claudio Groff, Andres…
Karine Pigeon, Kevin Koch, Maciej Jamrozik, Carolyn King Indigenous self-governance is needed in forest landscape planning. Forest planning shouldconsider resilience to natural and human-caused disturbances including climate change, and tobe most effective, should…
Roxana Rojas-VeraPinto, Rubén Bernardo-Madrid, Manuela González-Suárez Crop damage and cattle predation by Andean bears may pose a threat to people’s livelihoods.This leads to negative perceptions about bears, and consequent retaliatory killing, whichhinders the…
David Garshelis The IUCN network includes ~10,000 volunteer experts within more than 160 Specialist Groupsunder the Species Survival Commission (SSC). The IUCN sets goals and appoints or reappointsleaders and volunteer experts on a…