Ruth Rivkin, Evan Richardson, Colin Garroway The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the world, threatening the persistenceof many Arctic species. It is uncertain if Arctic wildlife will have sufficient time…
Jodie Pongracz, Kai Breithaupt, Patrick Gibeau Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) and black bear (Ursus americanus) distributions overlap in much ofthe Yukon Territory, however, little is known regarding how these sympatric species coexist atthe…
Sydney Stephens, Andrea Corradini, Natalia Bragalanti, Claudio Groff, Nina Gandl,Sybille Klenzendorf, Francesca Cagnacci The Alpine ecosystem in Europe, a region marked by both rich biodiversity and intensive humanuse, stands at the forefront of…
Sydney Stephens, Christy J. Mancuso, Austin M. Green, Cagan H. Sekercioglu American black bears typically rely on forested land cover and are not expected to spendprolonged periods of time in shrub-dominated arid lands…
Adam Grottoli, Courtney Shuert, Stephen D. Petersen Polar bears rely on safe denning habitats for successful reproduction. Within the Manitobarange of the Western Hudson Bay sub-population, females den exclusively in terrestrial habitatsutilizing banks…
Ashutosh Anand, Ajay Kumar Singh, Nishith Dharaiya Seed dispersal is a critical ecological process that influences the composition and heterogeneityof forest ecosystems. The sloth bear has emerged as an important species in maintaining…
Roxanne D. MacLean, Gregory W. Thiemann, Katie R.N. Florko, Steven H. Ferguson,Kelsey F. Johnson, Christine Michel, David J. Yurkowski The Arctic climate is warming roughly four times faster than the global average, causing a…
Tyler Brasington, Jessica M. Hadley, Justin K. Schwabedissen During hibernation, American black bears (Ursus americanus) and grizzly bears (Ursus arctoshorribilis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) create dens for protection from harshwinter environments…
Viviana Albarracín Between May 2017 and June 2019, interviews were held in the Apolobamba NationalIntegrated Management Natural Area to study the sites that are prioritized for conservation ofthe Andean bear. The little information…
Viviana Albarracín and Ana Belen Robles The elusive Andean or spectacled bear; it is categorized as Vulnerable (VU) species at thenational level as well by the IUCN. The Andean bear is an enigmatic…
Viviana Albarracín From April 2021 to April 2022, we conducted surveys along field routes established in 20quadrants of 16 km2 each. Our sampling effort was concentrated on ridges and paramo. The routes weregeoreferenced,…
Jennifer Fortin-Noreus, Dan Tyers, Andy Pils, Justin E. Teisberg, Joy Erlenbach,Hilary Cooley Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) are opportunistic omnivores thatmove seasonally within their home ranges depending on food abundance.…