Abstract 992 - Intro to session: Employing IUCN’s Species Conservation Cycle for Bears: Examples from Around the World
David Garshelis, IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group RetiredSalon 4
David Garshelis
The IUCN network includes ~10,000 volunteer experts within more than 160 Specialist Groups
under the Species Survival Commission (SSC). The IUCN sets goals and appoints or reappoints
leaders and volunteer experts on a quadrennial schedule, coincident with meetings of the
World Conservation Congress. During the 2017–2020 quadrennium, the SSC established the
“Species Conservation Cycle” as the conceptual framework for Specialist Group activities. As
such, the Bear Specialist Group (BSG) created quadrennial targets categorized by the 5
components in this conservation cycle. The first 3 components occur sequentially (the cycle),
while the other 2 are transversal: Assess – Measure status and trends of populations, threats
to populations, adherence to goals of a plan, or effectiveness of conservation actions.
Assessments are evidence-driven, both at the start of the cycle, and then starting again, after
planning and acting. Plan – Develop conservation strategies and policies to reduce threats and
improve conservation status of species or populations. This component relies on findings from
the assessment stage, and considers technical, spatial, and socio-political aspects. Act – Carry
out actions outlined in the plan aimed at directly improving conservation status. Actions are
often conducted in concert with parties that helped develop the plan. Network – Create
collaboration, partnerships, and capacity building to more effectively implement the
Assess–Plan–Act conservation cycle. These collaborations include both direct participants, as
well as people or organizations that can facilitate or enhance accomplishments. Communicate –
Disseminate information to enhance conservation. Communication should highlight each
aspect of the cycle (results from the assessment; goals of the plan; ongoing actions), targeted at
various specific audiences. This short talk introduces this BSG session, which will highlight
activities of some individual BSG members or teams employing these components to conserve
bears on all 4 continents.