Abstract 999 - Unravelling Intersecting Paths: Conflict, Livelihood, and Coexistence with Asiatic Black Bear in Diamer, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Zeeshan Khalid, World Wide Fund for Nature- Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan) ProfessionalSalon 8/9
Zeeshan Khalida, Tehlu Singh Toorb and Muhammad Jamshed Iqbal Chaudhrya
Gilgit Baltistan (GB) is renowned for its biological and cultural diversity and covers an important
part of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) habitat in Pakistan. Human–black bear conflict
is an emerging issue in District Diamer, Western Himalaya, GB and the declining population
status has become vulnerable. This study investigated the extent of human-bear conflict in
district Diamer, GB (2021-2023) using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions
(FGDs). Three primary conflict types were identified: crop damage (most frequent - 80%),
livestock depredation, and human injuries and the total estimated economic loss was
US$16,000. Crop damage peaked in summer (June-September) during peak bear activity and
crop production. We documented 12 human injuries (May-November), with a majority (55%)
occurring at dusk and in crop fields (60%) during summer (40%). Livestock depredation (10
cases) was less frequent and occurred mainly in winter. Negative attitudes towards bears
prevailed (65% actively disliked, 62.5% generally negative), especially among those residing
near bear habitat. Anthropogenic activities (hunting, deforestation, infrastructure expansion,
agricultural land conversion) were identified as primary conflict drivers. Participants expressed
dissatisfaction with current conflict mitigation policies and the lack of government
compensation schemes. Future research on population status, bear movement, and habitat use
is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies. Considering the significant role of the
Asiatic black bear in the GB region & ecosystem, we argue that more emphasis should be given
to the protection of prioritized bear populations.