Taiki Ito and Tohru Ikeda In Hokkaido, northern Japan, brown bears are appearing in urban areas and causing human-bear conflicts. One reason for bears to appear in human settlements is their attraction toanthropogenic…

Taiki Ito and Tohru Ikeda In Hokkaido, northern Japan, brown bears are appearing in urban areas and causing human-bear conflicts. One reason for bears to appear in human settlements is their attraction toanthropogenic…
Tomoko Naganuma, Seung-Yun Baek, Kahoko Tochigi, Naoki Takekoshi, ChinatsuKozakai, Koji Yamazaki, Shinsuke Koike The mating behavior of Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) has been limited on observations ofcaptive populations. Hence, the habitat use…
Craig Perham and Craig Townsend Protocols for detecting and verifying arboreal black bear (Ursus americanus) dens using a hand-held, infrared (HH IR), thermography camera system were developed to understand black bearuse of riparian…
Andrea Fuentes and Sara Flores Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) are the only bear species that lives in South Americadistributed throughout the Tropical Andes, one of the most diverse ecoregions and stronglythreatened by constant…
Russell Van Horn, Anthony M Pagano, Mathias W Tobler Many ursids exhibit significant changes in metabolism and body mass in response toenvironmental and seasonal factors. In some ursids, these seasonal effects can includeextended…
Koji Yamazaki, Mayumi Ishizuka, Shota Nakayama, Nelly Banda, Shinsuke Koike,Yusuke Goto, Kozo Yamazaki, Yui Nemoto, Boris Fuchs, Jon M. Arnemo We collected blood samples from a total of 57 Asian black bears (Ursus…
Griffin Finkbeiner, Gregory W. Thiemann, Melissa P. Galicia, Alyssa M. Bohart Arctic ecosystems have been disproportionately impacted by climate change, warming at a ratefour times faster than the global average. Polar bears (Ursus…
Roxana Rojas-VeraPinto, Viviana Albarracín, Adriana Reyes Women play an active role in the study and conservation of the Andean bear despite facingchallenges during their work related to gender stereotypes and physiological process. Ourresearch…
John Boulanger, Gorden Stenhouse, Scott Nielsen DNA-based inventories of 2 bear management areas in central Alberta (east of Jasper and BanffNational Parks) conducted in 2004 and 2005 revealed low densities (<5 bears/1000 km2)…
Megan Turnock, Lisette Waits, Justin Teisberg, Wayne Kasworm, Matthew Falcy,Michael Proctor Genetic monitoring is important in fragmented populations, particularly in small populationsthat rely on gene flow to maintain genetic diversity. Grizzly bear (Ursus…
Lana Pađen, Agnieszka Sergiel, Djuro Huber, Slaven Reljić, Ivan Berečki, JasnaAladrović The conditionally essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6)and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) are predominant n-6 and n-3 PUFA in…
Roxanne D. MacLean, Gregory W. Thiemann, Katie R.N. Florko, Steven H. Ferguson,Kelsey F. Johnson, Christine Michel, David J. Yurkowski The Arctic climate is warming roughly four times faster than the global average, causing a…